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20 in stock
Orifice Opener Files
Blue SX 19mm
Gold SX 19mm
Gold R 17mm
NiTi Files
Super Files SX, D Super SX, D Shaper R
19mm, 17mm
1*6 Files
Pro Flexi Gold Files
4% 15(white),20(yellow),25(red),30(blue),35(green),40(black)
6% 15(white),20(yellow),25(red),30(blue),35(green),40(black)
Paste Carrier(ss)
size- 25,25-40
Packing- 1*4 Files
U Files (SS)
Size-15-40(assorted), 15(white),20(yellow),25(red), 30(blue),35(green),40(black)
Length- 33mm
Packing- 1*6 Files
GG Drill
size 1,2,3,4,1-6